
Soil Compaction & Dead Soil

Apr 11, 2017
Bringing Dead Soil Back to Life
Soil compaction is a real issue in many yards of American homeowners; and over the years, many of us have experienced or thought “I have nothing but clay in my yard”. However the truth of the matter usually is; No, we actually have dead soil! Plants have difficulty in compacted soil because the mineral grains are pressed together, leaving little space for air and water (essentials for root growth). Compacted soil also promotes water run off and therefore erosion, which is bad ecologically. Compacted soil is usually a sign of dead soil because microbial communities, worms, etc. can’t live in soils without oxygen, water, or minerals to feed on. Microbial communities also help to:
  • Consume harmful contaminates
  • Transport minerals to plant life, and;
  • Serve to make soil more friable.
(Friable soil is soil that crumbles easily and is usually what is commonly referred to as top-soil.) To begin the process of reversing the effects of compacted soil, some homeowners resort to aerating their lawns, but few could or would be able to aerate their planting beds. Aeration is never a bad thing, but aeration alone is not enough. A recommendation is a combination of working the soil through aeration or tilling, and using a wonderful, organic, liquid concentrate of humic acid from BioFlora called Soil Source. This humic acid has two characteristics; first: it has a high CEC (cation exchange capacity), which works to fracture, or break apart soil, making it more friable. Second, it is full of natural microbial communities essential to healthy soil ecology. Humic acid is sourced from humates, which are comprised of pre-historic plant matter dating back millions of years, to learn more about humates, click here. Benefits from using humic acid use include the elimination of; soil salts, contaminates, reduce the spreading of diseases, runoff and leaching. A healthy soil is a friable soil containing a diverse microbial community, plus beneficial bugs, worms, and minerals.  A friable well-fed (fertile) soil feeds plant life and allows for better root mass and healthier plant life.  Most homeowners and gardeners have been conditioned to believe that they need to feed their lawns and plants solely with a fertilizer, and while NPK’s (Nitrogen, Potassium, and Potash), are important they are only part of the puzzle. Soil is a living organism and therefore must be fed products that help it recover and become a stable microbial community. About the Author Mark Lundahl is GM in a Landscape and Design Building firm, with two garden centers, and a production nursery. Mark has extensive experience with the application methods and rates in using BioFlora products, and has been using the BioFlora product line in Meyer Landscape Design for the past 3 years. With these products, Mark has seen dramatic changes in nursery stock quality, and would like for gardeners at all levels to experience the BioFlora difference. Recommended ProductsSoil Source®  Soil Source® works to reverse damage and return soils back to their natural, optimum state. This product is a unique, biologically-enhanced humic acid, with a diverse spectrum of naturally occurring, beneficial microorganisms, that help rebuild and restore soils. At BioFlora® we utilize a proprietary extraction process, which maximizes the integrity of the humic acid we procure. Our product is also comprised of many different characteristics that are not found in other organic acid products, such as soil carbon, carbohydrates and other essential nutrients. About BioFlora  BioFlora is a division of Global Organics® Group (GOG), an international life sciences company that develops and manufactures proprietary organic and sustainable plant nutrition products and natural ionic minerals for human and animal health. For more than 40 years GOG and its BioFlora® business have been committed to preserving the earth’s ecosystem while providing superior plant nutrient systems. Located in Goodyear, Arizona, USA, GOG is able to serve customers both locally and globally with the use of Green Acres, its 1,200 acre research farm, as well as its USDA Permitted Integrated Life Science Research Center® (ILSRC).  For more information about Global Organics® Group, or to interview CEO and Managing Partner Luke Blotsky, please contact Sarah Van Wyk at svanwyk@globalorganicsgroup.com. Visit www.globalorganicsgroup.com to learn more.